Many people think that success leads to happiness, but actually it’s the other way around. A decade of research in positive psychology and neuroscience has found that happiness is the precursor to success, not the result itself.
Positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. By nurturing genuine optimism and positive thoughts you can build skills that last much longer than a smile. Just imagine how much your business would improve if each and every member of your team developed a positive ‘can do’ attitude, oozing enthusiasm in every aspect of their roles.
‘Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.’ – Henry Ford
During this thought provoking two day retreat you will begin to understand the power of positive thinking and mindfulness. You will learn and experience many methods, models and techniques for creating a positive mindset for yourself, your team and your organisation.
Your mind is a complex and powerful instrument and with the right training can be programmed to think more positively, to look at every situation differently, assessing the potential rather than fearing risk.
This course will show you how to achieve a positive mindset that will add real value to your organisation by bringing happiness and success to your workplace. Benefits include:
- Increased creativity
- Higher levels of engagement
- Greater productivity
- Greater sales
Now included with this course is our new mindfulness programme. With the practice of mindfulness scientifically proven to help people overcome health related issues, such as stress and anxiety, it is no wonder that it’s increasingly becoming one of the most popular training techniques in the modern workplace. Organisations such as Google, JP Morgan and the NHS are advocates.
Upon completion of this course, our book ‘Your Key to Happiness and Success’ (see our publications) will act as a guide and reference for your future success and wellbeing.
Positive & Mindful People:
- Have an improved attention span, enhanced job performance and increased productivity
- Have increased emotional intelligence, social skills and communication skills
- Experience reduced work-related stress, including depression and anxiety
- Are more committed, motivated and accept new challenges more readily
- Experience greater self-esteem, well-being and life satisfaction
- Have a winning attitude and are able to foster a team spirit
- Understand how to recognise and manage negative thoughts
- Are able to better cope with relationship conflict
- Garner the support of others to effect change
- Are more resilient in managing adversity
- Broadcast goodwill, happiness and success
See our book ‘Your Key to Happiness and Success’ click here